Kia Orana and Welcome to our website!
The Cook Islands Meteorological Service is a division of the Ministry of Transport. It is dedicated in providing you with the latest weather updates, forecasts and warnings for the Cook Islands. Since that first rainfall observation in 1899 in Rarotonga, more observations are now made so as to guide us to see what will happen tomorrow.
We are your weather experts 24 hours a day. Please browse our site for the latest Cook Islands Weather and Climate Information.

During the month of March,The Cook Islands Meteorological staff and workshop facilitators from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) – Elise Chandler and Grant Beard; spent the last week upskilling and e

Cook Islands Quality Assurance Officer, Mr Nathan Tisam, had the opportunity to travel to Beijing, China during the month of April 2024 to attend the 13th International Training Course on the Appli

"This is a new area for our Pacific Met Services, it not only empowers us but it is also a pioneering opportunity for us in the region," – Sunny Seuseu, SPREP.

18 July 2016, Rarotonga, Cook Islands - Fifteen Pacific Island Met Services across the region were gifted laptops to help strengthen their forecasting abilities using new 'downscaling' climate pred
21 July, 2015, Nuku’alofa, Tonga, PMC-3 - Cook Islands Meteorological Service, operating under the Ministry of Transport is striving to provide robust and sustainable weather information services t